Friday Links & Likes
Welcome to the first addition of Friday Links & Likes, where I share some of my weekly findings and things that inspire me. These posts will be short & sweet, a light casual read as your prepare for your week ahead ;)
This week I came to the conclusion that I am obsessed with black and white in all forms. My clothing, home decor & even my children's blankets & toys are all colorless. I truly love the simplicity that black & white provides while still adding that punch of style.

I recently purchased THIS bow & THIS blanket as a gift and I'm instantly regretting not ordering the same for my twins. And this dreamy black & white kitchen by Coco & Jack is serious #KitchenGoals! I live for a stone waterfall island, and it is my mission in life to have one someday.
I'm currently in the beginning stages of designing a psychiatrist office in downtown Hamilton, and here is just one of the inspiration boards I've created. I will never grow tired of preparing concept boards like these. They truly are the kick-starter of any project, and it's fun to sift through Pinterest for inspiration.

This week I had to say goodbye to one of my favourite pieces of furniture in my home. This original mid century dining console that I've had since 2010. It was a $30 Kijiji purchase for our first apartment in Windsor and has been with us through each move in the GTA. It has been well loved and went to a good home, but it's time for a change. I have big plans for this wall in our kitchen. Gone are the days of a perfectly-styled bar and time to create something a bit more family-friendly. See inspiration below! I will be creating a bench (Ikea hack, obvis) with lots & lots of custom pillows and a bench cushion from Tonic Living because the obsession is REAL.

I'll make sure to keep you posted on this little project. My husband and I are collaborating and will be building a custom table so that should be "fun".
Thanks for reading! Enjoy the long weekend!