Sunday Links & Likes
Happy sunny Sunday morning! I hope everyone has settled in nicely into their respective September routines. It seems September is the month of refresh, a time to start something new and take on the rest of the year.
And speaking of a refresh, our mini Kitchen makeover is starting to take shape quite nicely! Last weekend we popped into Exotic Woods in Burlington, thinking we would just browse our options. Well, we ended up leaving with a beautiful slab of maple - oops! Sometimes you just have to jump on these things in the moment. Here's a tiny sneak peek of our table top mid-construction.

I also think I've nailed down the fabric story for the bench area. I won't disclose which fabrics are going where (you'll just have to wait ;) but I'm loving where this is going! All fabrics from Tonic Living. *Note: Soother not part of the design.

In fashion-related news, Jillian Harris has officially influenced me. There, I said it. I let an influencer influence me, and I often find myself falling deep into a rabbit hole of products she suggest on her InstaStories. She recently introduced me to Brunette The Label. and I'm obsessed. I love to support Canadian, locally-made brands whenever I can and have made a serious effort to do so this year. My goal is to have a collection of clothes that I love and have a story. Brunette The Label is passionately designed by Canadian women who support other babes. Check out their #WeAreAllBabes collection HERE!

I am revisiting one of my favourite projects from last year and contributing to their 'Phase 2' on the design of their Mudroom & Family Room. Here's a little throwback to their Powder Room concept - I love clients who aren't afraid to just go for it!

And finally, if you are looking for a light-hearted podcast to listen to in the car, I'm currently obsessed with Rachel Hollis. Both the Rise Podcast & the Rise Together Podcasts are on high rotation these days! Enjoy!
I wish you all well for the week ahead! Thanks so much for stopping by ;) xo